physical health issues !

lets make it easier for you to understand what different physical health problems look like, what are their symptoms , what are the precautions should someone take and what is the treatment if there is any.

mental health issues !

mental health is far more difficult to understand than physical health because it is harder to explain to others and harder to understand by others as well. in this case both the parties should cooperate in explaining and understanding each other . anyone who is suffering from any sort of mental illness should try and understand its symptoms and its impact on their loved ones . and if your loved one is suffering then you should understand the illness and how you can support them because in mental illness support from to your loved one is the only pillar that is holding them.

Helping doctors !

helping doctors from all over the world on how to work in different countries ? what are the routes ? what qualifications are needed ? what exams are required ? and guiding them with the materials to study for their exams.